How to build your training plan

Movement, exercises and sports are overall life improvement tools. Improving sleep, eating more fresh foods, releasing some stress and feeling better, it’s by itself, the ultimate goal before any aesthetic target.

This will be a general guide to help you for any goal you are aiming. Tips and direction on male bodies and their structures.

How many times a week should i train?

For first timers i would suggest 3 times a week, 2 Upper body and 1 Lower body workout. Medium or very experienced users 4 times a week. We are going to explain how to sort a split later. For very easy users going to the gym with a less intense approach, mixing up 5 times a week will be the absolute best. I don’t suggest however more than 5 times a week, most of gym users can have busy lives and works, adding a lot of exercise will most likely, add a lot more stress. Mentally and physically.

Which time of the day should i train?

As you want to do something for yourself, in order to positively impact your well-being, choose a time of the day where you feel mentally free and up for some exercise. Do not try to tip the box, you will do it in a bad state of mind. If you feel very tired as well you should just skip and recover.

As a concept, we could say that training earlier on the day can help muscle growth. As you will deplete your muscles, having a day of meals ahead will help restoring muscle after a workout.

How many exercises should i do each workout?

Beginners or advanced, i would suggest 5 exercises in total for 3 sets. Repetition always around 10/12 with no failure on the last rep. A beginner will use single exercises, example…

1 - Bench press 3 x 10

an advanced will require a workout extension of the matter but within the respect of workout times. For example

1 - Incline bench press 3 x 10 - 3 seconds on the eccentric movement.

As we can see we did not add sets or reps or anything, we just extended the set for its intensity. This will play a great benefit on workout efficiency and recovery. Smarter than harder.

Which exercises should i choose?

Keep in mind that exercise means, using your body in a certain way. For an instance any sport or workout, does work and created movement by using muscles. As well none of our body parts is provided of eyes, they will not understand which exercise you pick. They will simply respond to any movement you will engage them. The best exercises to build or train muscles, are the one that you can perform with the maximum engagement.

Bench press is considered the main chest builder, just cause it has been said from the past 30 years. You will encounter people benching 50kg with a massive chest, as well as people benching 120kg with no bench. The bench means nothing at the end of the day. What it matter is how much you get to move your body, accordingly to your target.

The exercises you choose must be something that you master, feel, understand and also enjoy to do. Choose based on your feelings and sensation, that will be the best choice.

How long should i train for?

As recovery and efficiency are my main cards into the strategy game. I strongly suggest to cap your workout between 50 and 80 minutes total. 50 minutes for workout with lower intensity, which will require shorter recovers. 80 minutes for very intense workouts which will require longer recovery between the sets. Abs work and stretching to don’t be included into the total workout time.

How much weight should i lift?

Simple answer. You are not trying to move heavy stuff using your muscle and joints as stabilizer of the movement. Pic a weight that you can 100% control, based on the body part you are exercising. Perform 10/12 reps without any need to enter into stabilization movements or leverage to complete the movement. You are not doing 12 reps, you are trying to get 12 muscle contractions.

How do i track progress?

Could be beneficial having a log book about your workout, until this is a guide. Wanting to chronically progress, can become a thing while recording your workouts. If you don’t sleep amazing for one night you will feel more tired pushing your workout. That does not mean you lost progress. Simply more recovery. Feeling and sensation will always precede, a written log book.

How often should i change my workout plan?

Here it is really imperative to understand that, ideally you will have your best movement as main choices. For a very colorful life i suggest to change workout every 4 weeks. I don’t think it is necessary but, changing routine and having different experiences can only help and stimulate a fitness lifestyle. For beginner or very easygoing used i would suggest every 8/10 weeks a refresh would be needed.

What about Abs?

Check my abs post in blogs, i would always suggest to add abdominal work on a daily base. Better posture, better breathing and overall physical well-being improved.

Top tips for male

For male i strongly suggest to have as a start, a good back routine, shoulders and overall legs. Little example of one of the most common routines to get shaped. Focus on lower back strength and rear delts. As men has bigger upper body it requires more stability and posture.

DAY 1 - CHEST AND SHOULDERS ( pick your main focus as a starter )







Focus on these principles and you will see something magic happening.


How to build your training plan


Abs user manual