Shoulders workout for muscle growth

Shoulders are the main muscles, to be looking wide and athletic.

It is notorious to be difficult, to build a round cannon ball shoulder… is it really true?

Like any other muscles, if trained, it will grow. Majority of the workouts will see shoulder presses, military presses and side raises or front raises. Are they all good, in order to gain muscle? the answer is yes, depending on how you perform them.


Shoulder presses tend to involve a lot of triceps, traps and chest. Removing tension from front delts.

Side raises and front raises tend to be absorbed by our traps, ending up having huge traps. Removing tension from the front delt.

-How to correct pressing movements?

  • Hips and core are tight and locked.

  • Traps relaxed, shoulders will not raise whille pressing.

  • Only press from your elbows, full range of motion, but before starting to raise your shoulder, ending up into an arm extension instead.

-How to correct raises movements?

  • Warmup your movement by lifting just your arm, are not weightless.

  • Once you activate the mid-delt, you can increase weight.

  • Stay within elbows movements.

  • Avoid hand traction or pulling, you should not really focus on hands.

  • Keep your body perfectly perpendicular to the ground, without bending back or forward to use momentum.

  • Your arm should not bend on a raise, it should rotate entirely stiff with joint or rotation, you shoulder.


Front delts extends forwards towards our body.

Mid-delts extends in width.

Rear delts extend backwards.

Now in order to work on your shoulder to get it round, we need to understand which part you need the most.

Evaluate in which direction your shoulder should grow. Start you workout from your number 1 priority. Second part of the workout with something that needs great improvement but non priority. Last end of the workout your strongest part.

Sharing my own workout…

1- I start with a front delt super set to a mid delt movement.

2- Second exercise will be a mid delt super set mid delt.

3- I will close with something isolated for rear delts.

This is not the workout you must take, this is an example to explain the logic of working what needs the most care.

Final tip

I’ve noticed over years, the most common tip in order to boost shoulders grow it’s to dived them in 2 mini workout and add it to an existing workout.

For example,

Monday - Chest and Shoulders ( maybe front delt and mid )

Thursday - Back and shoulders ( rear delt and mid delt )

Shoulders can grow accordingly to what you want, but you must make sure you are tensing and stimulating, the actual shoulder muscles.


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